of the fun of living in New York
is celebrity-spotting. Though it is no Los Angeles when it comes to the ratio of Celebrities to Normals, New York does provide residents with a higher incidence of accidental run-ins: Jason Sudeikis
eating behind you at a restaurant, Steve Buscemi passing you on the street
after you just finished talking about The Big Lebowski, Taylor Swift and Jake
Gyllenhaal f*cking everywhere in Brooklyn back
when they were dating. It's like constantly living in a magazine's Stars: They're
Just Like Us section.
Of course, that also means that you
don't question it when you see a celebrity in a weird location. Of course
Bebe Neuwirth is at the same crappy bodega in midtown as you are. Of course Ira Glass's dog is crapping on your stoop. So, when I got on the N train one morning and spotted my favorite celebrity, Dame Judi Dench, staring right at me, I didn't
think twice about it. And sure, she was in a wig, and probably trying to keep a low-pro, but is it such a crime to casually take out a phone and snapped a quick
pic of one of the greatest actors of our time? I think not! Of course, once I got to work and was fully awoken by my second cup of
coffee, I realized that the picture I had taken was not of the star of Skyfall,
but rather of a mean-looking old lady:
Still, I wasn't disappointed. Fake celebrity sightings just make it that much more exciting when you see an actual celebrity. Like when I sat next to Meg Ryan and Patti F*cking LuPone in Joe's Pub, or when I saw Rider Strong at a Ben & Jerry's. Plus, the Faux-di Dench (Clone-di Dench?) on the train was basically a doppelgänger for the Oscar winner. But, you know, Asian.